Hill days

Advocating for a cause you care about is exciting. Handling the logistics is not. We’ll take care of the mundane Hill meetings scheduling so you and your team can focus on the substance of your legislative ask.

Let’s make your advocacy day drive policy change!

define your win

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We’ll start by defining your desired outcomes. Do you want a bill to be sponsored, passed, or opposed? How many advocates do you want to participate? Who are your champions and opponents in Congress?


On-sIte Management


We’ll be on-site and set up a help desk to address activists’ questions and scheduling changes for the duration of the event.

Pair offices to Activists


We’ll match your activists to their members of Congress and work with your team on meeting invitation language.


lobby evaluation reporting

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We’ll collect lobbying evaluation forms and synthesize the data in a report to be presented to your team.

create schedules


We’ll create schedules for Hill meetings that is simple and easy to navigate. Depending on the size of your activist base, schedules will be individualized or broken down by state.



Your activists will rave about how organized and easy it was for them to speak to their members - all thanks to your decision to offload the workload to A Capitol Event.